Textiles, Industrialization, and Immigration in Connecticut
Saturday, April 2, 2016 ∗ Windham Textile and History Museum, Willimantic, Connecticut
8:30 Welcome remarks and introductions
- Nancy Steenburg, President, ASCH
- Jamie Eves, Executive Director – Windham Textile and Mill Museum
8:45-9:30 Jamie Eves, Windham Textile and History Museum, “Battered Boxes of Old Papers: How a Surprise Donation Told the Story of an Immigrant Mill Worker, the Civil War, and Upward Mobility Over Four Generations of Irish-Americans in a Connecticut Mill Town.”
9:30-10:45 Mary Sherman Lycan, University of Connecticut, “Every Female That Can Throw a Shuttle: Outwork Weaving in Eastern Connecticut, 1810-1820”
11:00-12:00 Walter Woodward, Connecticut State Historian, with the Band of Steady Habits, “The Irish in Connecticut”
12:30-1:00 Annual Business Meeting
1:00 Tour of the Windham Textile and History Museum at the discounted group rate