Suffrage and the History of Women’s Rights in Connecticut

Connecticut Votes for Women – Connecticut State Library, State Archives, Connecticut Woman’s Suffrage Association
In the spirit of the centennial of women’s suffrage, ASCH invites proposals for papers, workshops, and panels pertaining to women’s rights campaigns, their outcomes, and other topics related to women’s quest for equality in Connecticut.
Proposals of no more than 250 words must be submitted along with a one-page curriculum vitae by September 15, 2019. Proposals are welcome from all students of Connecticut history, including scholars, graduate students, K-12 educators, museum professionals, and members of local history organizations.
Proposals chosen for presentation on November 2 will be posted on a special conference website, and selected presenters will be invited to participate in an accompanying webinar series titled “The Suffrage Movement and Women’s Rights in Connecticut.”
Proposals should be 250 words or less and include a one page curriculum vitae. All proposals and any necessary files should be included with the proposal form. Please note: you will need a Gmail (email) account in order access this form. Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the form.