Our spring conference–“Using Local Sources–was held April 1, 2017, at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, CT.
Using Local Sources: The Association for the Study of Connecticut History Spring Meeting was a day featuring interactive workshops, panel discussions, and thought-provoking speakers. Program follows the photo gallery. Thanks to all those who attended, presented, and support ASCH!
- The CT Women’s Hall of Fame
- Connecticut Explored’s Table
- VP Jen Cote at the sales table
- Steve Armstrong and Karla Ekquist-Lechner at work
- Open remarks
- VP Jen Cote
- Nancy Steenburg opening remarks
- Tony Johnston, USJ, Keynote Speakers
- Working hard at registration
- Tony Johnston, Keynote
- Armstrong on Secondary Ed
- Jack Dougherty and Vianna Iorio, TC
- Jack and Vianna
- Learning things
- Interactive work
- Interactive work was part of Jack and Vianna’s presentation
- Thinking carefully
- Exploring Jack and Vianna’s online maps
- Folks from all parts of CT ed, including museums and colleges
- Pres Nancy Steenburg and VP Jen Cote
- Jen Cote, USJ, discusses PBL
- They look interested.
- It was cold, slushy and wet
- Kevin getting creative with his shots
- the Coleman Lobby at USJ
- Eileen Leary on museums in classrooms
- Those suspenders are dapper
- Liz Devine, WHPS retired
- Liz Devine and Tracey Wilson
- Peter Baldwn, UCONN, closing remarks
8:30-9a Registration Coleman Lobby, Bruyette Athenaeum.
Breakfast and Welcome, Bruyette Reception Room, second floor of Athenaeum
9-9:45a Keynote Address
Viewing Our Future Through the Lens of Our Past. Anthony Johnston, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education, University of Saint Joseph. Bruyette Reception Room
10-11a Concurrent Sessions
Workshop: Teaching Hartford Civil Rights History with Digital Sources. Jack Dougherty, Ph.D. and Vianna Iorio, Trinity College. Bruyette Reception Room
Panel discussion: Using Inquiry to Engage Students in the Social Studies Classroom. Stephen Armstrong, Connecticut State Department of Education; Laura Krenicki, Colchester Public Schools; Ed Dorgan, Regional School District #10; and Olivia Traina, Sacred Heart University. Lynch Hall 207
11:15-12:15p Concurrent Sessions
Panel Discussion: The Power of Place: Teaching a College Literature Course in a Museum. Jeff Partridge, Ph.D., Abi Rodriguez and Shawntoll Buchanan-Booth, Capitol Community College, with Katie Burton, Ph.D., Harriet Beecher Stowe House, and James Golden, Ph.D., Mark Twain House. Bruyette Reception Room
Interactive Panel: The Murder of Ada Brown: Problem-Based Learning in the Humanities Classroom. Jennifer Cote, Ph.D., with Samantha Mullen, Ashley Wesley, Brenna Miller and Jessica Saltzman, University of Saint Joseph. Lynch Hall 207
12:15-1:15p Lunch Bruyette Reception Room
1:15-1:45p Annual Business Meeting
Members will be apprised of ASCH activities and progress and vote on new board members. Those who would like to can visit the University of Saint Joseph Art Museum, located at the right of the Coleman Lobby. Bruyette Reception Room.
145-245p Concurrent Sessions
Workshop: Integrating Primary Sources and Connecticut History to Promote Civic Engagement. Elizabeth Devine and Tracey Wilson, West Hartford Public Schools (retired). Bruyette Reception Room
Workshop: Digging Deeper: Using Archaeology and Museums in Critical Pedagogy. Eileen Leary, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History with colleagues (tba). Lynch Hall 207.
245-3p Break. Coffee refresh available in the Bruyette
3-4p Closing Remarks
Ambitious Little Stories: Telling U.S. History with Local Records. Peter Baldwin, Ph.D., University of Connecticut. Bruyette Reception Room
Directions to the University of Saint Joseph as well as a campus map can be found at http://www.usj.edu/about-us/maps-directions/
Parking passes will be issued via email to conference registrants.